Karen Love Lee

Mind Mastery Coach | Mentor | Magician

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  • Elevate Your Innate Brilliance
  • Eliminate Self-Doubt & Excuses
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  • Embrace it’s NOT, Too Good to be True!

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"Karen, I'm becoming a totally different person and as a result, achieving a level of success I would not otherwise achieve."

Daniel Ponce, TX, USA

My Story


I should have been dead a longtime ago. What saved my life was understanding the complexities of the human brain and mind. My saving grace was healing my deadly UNconscious wounds, rooted in early childhood. I almost lost everything, yet was able to rebuild my self-love, health and wealth in every area of my life, better than I could’ve ever imagined....with profound fulfillment and existential meaningfulness.

By trial and error, I figured out how to maximize our greatest asset through the power of the mind ~ Self-FREEDOM. This transcends circumstances and results in a magical REALITY. This is the highest vibrational frequency and energetically Magnetizes Pro$perity without fail. I know, because I live it!

My obsession to master my own mind, emotions and intuition attracted my very first coaching client, out of nowhere. #ThePowerOfSelfEVOLution has divinely led me to become the Elite Empowerment Coach & Spiritual Intuitive, I am today. By sharing my experiences and my proprietary solutions, my purpose called me to empower humans to BE the source of their magical life!

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5 Top "Underrated" Takeaways


"When Karen speaks, It happens. Somehow Karen's intuition is spot on, I don't know how she does it, but she is always right on point. Karen practices what she preaches. She doesn't tell me anything that she wouldn't do herself. It definitely makes me feel more grounded knowing that my spiritual coach is continually learning and growing.

I know Karen always has my best interest at heart. She is always there to protect me even from myself. Karen's love for others is contagious. Her willingness to invest in others has truly changed my world.

She is the spiritual coach I have always dreamed of that transformed my way of thinking and trusting myself. Karen has helped me believe in the impossible."

Rachel Lee Coppola, ID, USA